Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics (Switch) - Game #21: Last Card

4 years ago

Game #21 on our list of 51 Worldwide Classics is a classic card game popular in New Zealand and Australia, Last Card! People here in America might better know its branded variant Uno, or another variant played with standard playing cards, Crazy Eights. In this game, each player is dealt 7 cards and then one card is flipped up. In clockwise turn order from the dealer, each player must discard one card of either the same color or the same number as the top card in the discard pile. If they can't play, they must draw one and pass their turn (some rulesets make you keep drawing until you can play). There are also special cards that can change the game. There's the Skip card which skips the next player's turn (Jacks fill this function in Crazy Eights), the Reverse card which changes turn order to counterclockwise until another Reverse card is played to change it back (Kings fill this function in Crazy Eights), the Draw Two card, which makes the next player draw two cards unless they have another Draw Two in their hand in which case they can stack it and make the following player draw four and so on until a player can't stack another one (Twos fill this role in Crazy Eights), and the Wild card which can be played on anything and allows you to change the color to any color you want (Eights filled this role in Crazy Eights). When a player is down to their last card, they must call "Last Card!" before playing it (like calling "Uno!" in the game of the same name). If a player plays their second-to-last card without calling "Last Card", they must draw five, which is a much steeper penalty than in Uno, which only makes you draw two in that circumstance. The first player to get rid of all of their cards wins.

There are four difficulty levels of CPU opponents to face: Normal, Hard, Amazing, and Impossible, which all must be faced in order. Beat the Impossible CPU to master the game. Also, each time you play it, you can unlock a piece of trivia about the game. There is only one piece of trivia about Last Card:

1. Similar versions of this game, such as Crazy Eights, are played all over the world.

Personal story: Crazy Eights was one of my mom's favorite card games when I was a kid.

0:00 - Game Introduction
1:51 - Normal AI
3:08 - Hard AI
4:00 - Amazing AI
6:01 - Impossible AI
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