Mid Summer Garden Tour-How's it Growing?

1 year ago

It's mid summer? How is our first year garden going? What is growing well and what can we learn? It was crunch time trying to get these gardens built and filled fast enough to get seeds planted. A few things I learned already that I will do differently next year:
1. the beds are filled with top soil. It was less expensive to get a large quantity of topsoil brought in vs garden soil and compost. I did put compost around the plants and used fish fertilizer but next year I will add some garden soil, compost and maybe even worm castings to each bed and mix in well.
2. Spacing-I had several open spaces that were not planted up because I did not have enough soil to completely fill one bed. That spot was more weed prone because soil does not like to be bare. Some plants I underestimated how big they will get. Next year, I will try to plan out spaces better. This year I was just trying to get things in the ground.
3. Tomatoes-Next year I'm going to put up a cattle panel trellis for my tomatoes to help keep them neat and tied up.
Thanks for watching.

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