orkambi log 2020.04.14.0352

4 years ago

life appears to be multiplying in its complexities more rapidly than ususal in recent days. or it seems like it, at least. i slept today from around 12 to 4, had a whole bunch of food, i've done my evening treatments of albuterol, pulmazyme, tobi, salmeterol, and evening orkambi. i've learned recently that among my previously discussed medical problems, i also have what is called visual snow syndrome, a neurological disorder with very little data on record. it's primarily described as a sort of visual filter overlaying ones vision, very similar in appearance to the static field of old, analog television sets, or similar to visual noise on cameras set to a high lighting sensitivity. however, it is diagnosed when it is accompanied by other symptoms, which i have, including sensitivity to light, tinnitus, after images, distortions at the peripheral of ones vision, a static visual field when ones eyes are closed, heightened difficulty seeing at night compared to other people, and signs of depersonalization. those are some of the symptoms to my knowledge. it's classified as a neurological disorder, because there's nothing wrong with the eyes or ears, but with the data receptors linked to those senses. i've had these symptoms since i was a little kid, and i wasn't even aware anything was wrong or unusual, which is a sentiment voiced by many who learn of this diagnosis. there's so little data because so few people even know to bring these things up. i hypothesize that this contributes to my own night time paranoia. i really need to expose myself to something pleasant before i go to bed, i'm of a terrible habit of watching videos i don't need to at times when it doesn't help me. at some point i need to just make a list of all of the problems i have, along with descriptions of how they manifest, and see if it's even believable.

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