Plants protest their quarantine!

4 years ago

Lori Fiechter here with an update that isn't much of an update. The day we actually plant the garden will be a true update!

The shed plants are growing restless...I suppose like many of us. April is winding down and we still haven't started planting the early garden (potatoes, onions, spinach) let alone set out the peppers and tomatoes. But they keep growing. The shed is starting to feel crowded, jungly even.

We let the plants out for fresh air and "exercise" when the weather permits--what you call "hardening off" protecting from the wind and full sun--but then it's back to sheltering in place.

It's spring now. Someday it will also feel like it! Not this week. Not next week, but soon. What do they say about hope--it "springs" eternal!

btw, the soup is Italian noodle soup--just Italian sausage, diced carrots and onions, broth, bowtie pasta, and fresh spinach. I added fresh basil and Italian parsley as well. If I had fresh tomatoes, I'd dice that and toss it in as well. Check back in July maybe!

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