orkambi log 2020.04.25.0241

4 years ago

i've been missing my logs lately. i don't really have an excuse. i have been doing my evening orkambi, albuterol, pulmazyme, tobi, salmeterol. yesterday night i had a really intense dream, it's difficult to describe. it was like there was some unseen entity trying to keep me in a panic state. it very much resembled the scene in the movie Spider-Man Far From Home, when Mysterio had Spider-Man in the illusion, and it was just rapid firing every visual it had, almost in a loop. anyway, i've done my evening treatment. i need to email my endo doctor again. i've been trying to ease insulin back into my routine, but today proved that it just isn't viable. i had a pretty big dinner, loads of protein, plenty of carbs. before i even started eating, my glucose was 356, which is higher than it should, but it fit into context. with dinner i had around 260 carbs, so i had 13 units of insulin. that should account for dinner, but keep me above desired. as recent trends have gone, my legs cramped up painfully, and i was in a panic episode for a while. i had a few glasses of orange juice, two bananas, a glass of milk, a bowl of cereal, and a hot shower just to be able to sit here comfortably. this is not a typical, or a normal response to insulin, so even with the addition of potassium pills, each of which provide 2% of ones daily recommended allowance, i'm afraid i'm going to need a better alternative to my current insulin treatment. and i was discouraged, to say the least, that my previous email to my endo doctor on the topic was seemingly dismissed and disregarded.

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