Do this every day for a FLAT Stomach! Hiit + ABS best

2 years ago

Do this every day for a FLAT Stomach! Hiit + abs


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Do this every day for a FLAT Stomach! Hiit + ABS
Start the 12 Week Summer Program Here:

Comment a workout you would like to see in the comments below
0:00 - Intro
0:57 : Slow Sit Ups
1:47 : V-sit Bicycles
2:30 : Crunches
3:17 : Bicycles
4:05 : Cross Jacks
4:53 : 4 High Knees, 4 Booty Kickers
5:42 : Jump to Close Squat
6:27 : Jump & Jog back
7:12 : Jumping Jacks
7:57 : Slow Sit Ups
8:45 : V-sit Bicycles
9:29 : Crunches
10:16 : Bicycles
11:03 : Cross Jacks

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