My Real Domain...

4 years ago

Ok, three videos I have strung together, which only contain birdsong accompaniment!
I took these on 24th April, as i was about to water my 30+ sidca firs that will [eventually] give us back out privacy lost to the recently opened caravan park!!
Significant points to note are that the field is 3.5+ acres, as far as the eye can see in this video. When looking from my baby tree [s] on the top perimeter, the far boundary is the stream before the in-bloom gorse on the far slope. To the left is "Badger Wood" on the slope, and the lone Christmas tree was planted about eight years ago after spending December in a pot in our [old] house hallway!!
The track you can see is lovingly 'strimmed' by yours truly - once a week refreshed - to allow self, lurcher, and loved ones navigate the field without being nettled!
Oh, our house lurks behind the substantial copse to the right of the final part of the video, hidden from others...
I'll do some more of these perhaps...
Stay safe....

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