25 chemtrail planes in 24 hours!

2 years ago

I spotted 23 chemtrail planes starting on the afternoon of Sunday August 15, and another couple in the morning of Monday August 16, though there were already a ton of visible trails early Monday morning. I filmed over half of these, though they were somewhat hard for my mobile camera to pick up.

I started pointing them out and counting in my last training video, "Handstand presses and pullups and chemtrails oh my!", where I spotted 3 in that video and was filming the sky, but only one showed up. However I was recording a workout and wasn't behind the camera zooming in or anything. For some reason, these planes don't 'like' to show up on camera the same way they look in the sky from the ground, and this aspect is getting worse or at least was more difficult to capture them on camera these few days. Another factor could be I was using the inward facing camera for my workout, and usually film them with the main or default or 'outward' facing camera on the back of my device. But, that was only in the other video for spray planes #s 1, 2, 3.

You can see what I'm talking about with the example in the thumbnail image, which would be the usual outward camera on my mobile device. You can see the streaks spraying from either side of the plane, and yet the plane itself is both hard to see on the ground, and doesn't appear to show up at all on camera. I think that is likely some optical effect with reflection, but it's odd how other planes do not have that effect, just these guys.

After the fact, we can see them on film here - but when I was filming and looking at the screen, I couldn't see them (but could also be glare on the screen, but still shouldn't be that bad).

0:29 can make out #4 here and there
3:10 can make out #5 here and there
4:30 #5 becomes more clear
6:20 #6 but can't see on camera
7:15 can see #6 for a bit
9:45 #7
12:40 #8 and #9
19:10 #10
23:23 better shot of #10, used for thumbnail
24:40 #18 can see a bit for a few seconds
25:00 I explain seeing 11 to 17 with someone and driving home
26:48 #18 again for half a second
28:10 #19
28:33 #20
32:45 #21
37:45 #22
38:15 better view of #22
40:55 #23
41:55 better view of #23 spraying
45:30 starting Monday morning, just missed the front of #1 (#24)
50:35 #2 on Monday morning (#25 in this video)

That last one only showed up briefly here and there as well.

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