Tropical Rainforest and Tropical Seasonal Forest - Biomes#1

4 years ago

The greatest biodiversity of any area of earth with over half of all plant and animal species. Known commonly as jungle, selva or rainforest, these regions are in fact two distinct biomes – the evergreen rainforest and seasonal forest (dry forest) of the tropics. 🌳🌴🌱

In this biogeography video I'll look at the tropical forests that are basically found in two types - the classic rainforest that has hardwood evergreen trees, and the dry forest or seasonal forest that sheds its leaves in the dry season. We also look at the various rainforest plants that come in three main groups depending on the continent. 🌺🌸

👉0:00 Opening Montage
👉0:57 Introduction and Titles
👉1:59 Tropical Rainforest and Dry Forest
👉3:34 Tropical Forest Floor, Understory, Canopy, Emergent Layers
👉6:23 Relationship to Climate Zones
👉7:21 Central America and Caribbean
👉7:45 Amazon Basin and Brazil Coast
👉8:22 West Africa, Congo Basin, Madagascar
👉8:55 India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
👉9:43 South-East Asia, South China, Taiwan
👉10:03 Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia
👉10:22 Australia, Pacific, Hawaii
👉10:52 Biodiversity
👉11:54 Plant Species
👉12:45 Threats and Deforestation
👉13:58 Outro

A typical tropical forest in cross section has these layers:
- Forest floor
- Understorey
- Canopy (Rainforest Canopy)
- Emergent


Tropical forest, also known as equatorial forest is found all around the equatorial regions, including:
- Central America and the Caribbean (Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia)
- The Amazon Basin of South America (Ecuador Amazon, Ecuador Jungle, Brazil Forest, Peru Rainforest)
- West Africa and the Congo Basin (Congo Rainforest)
- The Indian Subcontinent (India Forest)
- South East Asia and the southern coast of China (Thailand Forest, South China Forest, Taiwan Forest)
- The archipelagos of The Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia (Philippines Forest, Malaysia Rainforest, Singapore Rainforest)
- The north-west coasts of Australia, and most Pacific islands including Fiji and Hawaii (Hawaii Forest)

The tropical forests are under greater threat of deforestation than at any time, as they are cut down to make way for agriculture.



LONS08 - A new world natural vegetation map for global change studies -

Holdridge Life Zones -

Additional charts, maps and images along with the narrative script - click here:

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Research and Media Procurement Assistance, Spanish CC Translation: Richard Torres

Narrated, Written and Produced by

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