USA Journey Bible Prophecy Advances Lesson 3 John 17 Jesus Prays For His Own

1 year ago

USA Journey

Bible Prophecy Advances

Judas was tempted by the snake of satan to protray Jesus. Jesus was tempted by satan but Jesus always defeated satan. Jesus is the only Savior. Jesus arose on the third day and defeated satan forever! Satan got mad and tries to devour people. People are making a choice. Several times in scripture God and Jesus state they are not globalist. Meditate in John 17.

Jesus knows satan the snake deceives like it did Judas. But God allows people to make choices. God will jugdge YOUR choice. Do not blame God or Jesus for they told you God Holy Word.

If any person repent believe and accept Jesus as Savior. God goes to prepare a place for you for eternity in God Kingdom and it is not of this world. Or you choosing to be deceived like Judas? You choice determines your eternity location.

The snake satan deceives but hates America Founding Fathers for following God Holy Word in writing documents that follow life liberty and pursuit of happiness. For satan devours in order to twist saying constitution is a living document make you hate founding fathers by tearing monuments down. Satan as always wants to be worshipped. God already threw lucifer out of Heaven for wanting God praises. Satan does not want We the People. Satan wants socialism, communism, dictatorship, World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, liberal world order, new world order, globalism. Why? Same reason God threw lucifer out of heaven. Lucifer wants those world events in order to serve lucifer and you controlled.

Sound Alarm God Alpha and Omega are not globalists.


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