USA Journey Daily Devotion Bible Drill 2 Timothy 1 2 3 4

2 years ago

Daily Devotion Bible Drill
2 Timothy

Those that do God's will you get an eternal blessing. God Alpha and Omega knows the difference who He truly called vs false prohets. So do not mock God you will not like eternity choice. Vengeance is His not yours.

Those thinking you become gods why are you wanting to be a god in hell? You choose that as blunt as it is.

Darkness does not see the light. It is in scripture. God hates pride. Might want to think about what you teaching your children in that popular crowd especially if it belittles others thinking you better.
That is Darkness of Pride?

Have seen many elite politicians in their ads saying others cannot get involved in politics in a round about way but forgetting those saying it were not always involved. That is Darkness of Pride. There is only one mediator. His name is Jesus. God knows. For we know them by their fruits. God is NOT a globalist. There is s hidden devoured reason illegally crossing a border. Satan laughs. Blunt but it not false or tickle toe. You choosing your location eternity. You YOU!


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