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Geezy Truth News (14 October 2021)

2 years ago

A depressing assessment of where things stand, with the rather clear plan emerging to take down the world's population using masks (to kill us slowly), vaccines (to kill us faster), and starvation (to finish the job). The powers at the top appear to be vast in their scope, reach, and influence, which (in my opinion) has to be the Rothschild Banking Empire, where the Rothschilds own the AP and Reuters--and claim responsibility for the creation of Israel. It appears to me that Jim Stone has it right: if 40,000 pilots walk off the job to avoid the jab, or 600,000 health care workers do the same, they are not going to be replaced. The whole situation is set up to bring down the nation and leave millions dead. I like it to the use of a neutron bomb, which kills people but does no damage to structures. If Americans are dead, their homes and other structures remain for hundreds of millions of Chinese to enter and occupy. It looks like the white nations of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK and the US are the prime targets. Pay attention and see how it plays out.


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