1 year ago

Geoengineering directly over our property in SC on July 4th, 2022. I've witnessed it before and documented it in photos and short video. The first incident was posted on Fascistbook.

I spent most of yesterday viewing video on YouTube found first on, Dane Wigington's website. I was up at 5:30 am this morning and by 6:30 the first plane had already passed over followed by a second one underneath. Eventually the two chemtrails merged. I didn't see the third one running horizontally but saw and filmed the trails. The air has smelled different for the last several months and was especially noticeable right afterward this morning. Even after a rain the air never smells fresh and green like it used to. We have very few bees and butterflies this year. There's also the phenomenon I call, "dirty clouds." that I've photographed and will try to post soon.

Geoengineering has been going on for the last 75 years!!! Think about that...

Imminent Ozone Layer Collapse, A Dire Warning From A Former NASA Contract Engineer, Part 1

Part 2 -- Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide ( Dane Wigington )


See Dane Wigington channel on YouTube for numerous videos filled with scientific evidence he and others have documented.


On the above website you'll find an interactive map, one of them has old newpaper articles about weather experiments as early as the 1940's when the military began using the technology seeing that it could be used by other nations as a weapon. Indeed, many nations were doing their own experiments. There's no doubt they still are! There's also a UN Meeting notes on various nations agreement they reached and many other older documents, Congressional as well.

We have been forced into a situation of critical mass and we've very little time to wake everyone up!!!

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