Chemtrails & GeoEngineering

1 year ago

The history of toxic Chemtrails, GeoEngineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding, Spraying of Aluminum, Barium & Strontium, Sun Blocking and Manipulation of Weather, facts on Contrails VS Chemtrails.

For further education on GeoEngineering, please research these patriotic experts and publicly available sources: Regina Meredith, Jay Weidner, Robert Felix, Ken Rohla, David Wilcock, Scott Stevens, Edward Griffin, Scott Stevens, Michael Murphy, Dane Wigington, Mark McCandilish, James DeMeo, Nick Begich, Rosalind Peterson, Robert Zimmermann, James Gilliland, Sharon Schloss, Cliff Carnicom, Dane Wigington, YouTuber Pacific Redwood,,, app Flight Radar 24, Documentary film “What in the world are they spraying”, GAIA.TV, Agriculture Defense Coalition, California Sky Watch, Kimberly Cater.

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