Learning How To Get An Access To Joy - Katherine-Anne Boyd & Ashley James - #162

2 years ago

Access To Joy - http://learntruehealth.com/access-to-joy

How To Get An Access To Joy
Whether it be through our career, health, relationships or spirituality, we seek avenues that give us access to joy. Contrary to what most people believe, having access to joy is easily attainable. Hence, my guest today, Katherine-Anne Boyd, will teach us how to be truly happy.

When my mother died in 2002 during my early 20s, I was utterly devastated. In an attempt to make myself whole again, I attended a team management leadership program. That’s where I first met Katherine-Anne Boyd.

Little did I know that fateful meeting would be the start of a great friendship. After staying three years in the program, I started off as a coach for Boyd, and we eventually became so close, that she played a big part at my wedding entourage.

Dealing With Health Problems
Boyd overcame personal health problems before transforming herself into a health coach. Starting out as a life coach before focusing on health, Boyd initially was in a constant search for pathways that would give her access to joy.

Boyd recalled having to deal with a fish scale disease or ichthyosis when she was younger. Hopping from one allopathic doctor to another, Boyd was made to test out drugs and chemicals to heal her condition.

During that period, her treatment led her to gain weight. As a result, she explored a lot of diets. It was initially hard for Boyd to deal with weight issues especially since she was physically active.
Apparently, there were a lot of underlying issues that prevented Boyd from having access to joy. First of all, Boyd shares that a dear friend horribly failed her. Then her mother fell it and passed away shortly.

Continue reading: http://learntruehealth.com/access-to-joy

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Ashley James
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