Revolvers for home protection...are you crazy?

4 years ago

We discuss the viability of revolvers for home protection in this video.

People ask me all the time which semi-auto pistol should the get. When I ask some clarifying questions about the intended use of the handgun there are all sorts of answers.

For many reliability, simplicity of use and moderate recoil tops their list of attributes. As the conversation continues I ask if they've ever considered a revolver. One new shooter said "you must be crazy". He felt, based on reading so called experts on the web, that he had to go with a semi-auto. As the conversation progressed he defined the role for the handgun was home protection and he wanted his wife and older daughters to learn to use the handgun. The gun wouldn't be a carry piece but needed to be easy to use, reliable and not have too much felt recoil.

We discussed pros and cons of revolvers and semi-auto pistols. Some time later we took his wife and daughter to the range and had them shoot several handguns. His wife and daughter liked the operation and simplicity of the S&W 686 better than anything else. They didn't like the .357 rounds but felt great about different .38 special +p loads. At the end of the session the family felt best about the revolver.

With practice and training, I'm confident this family was better served by the revolver that a semi-auto.

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