Donner Lake, Truckee, Boomtown

4 years ago

Clutch “The Regulator” from their 6th album Blast Tyrant released in 2004.

Clutch is currently running a live online concert series
Web site:

Quick ride up to Cabelas just across the Nevada border to pick up an order, good excuse to duck out on a weekday and enjoy a perfect summer day. Got rained on by a thunderstorm tailing me thru the summit where weather can change in an instant; not enough to get wet, just enough to be refreshing.

Greeted at the door by Karen who refused entry without a mask. A manager graciously provided one, the paper type that’s useless against viruses or bacteria (read the box), but by then I’d lost interest in doing any shopping. Usually drop a couple hundred.

Boomtown was a ghost town. Thought I’d stop for lunch at Gold Ranch (see Fish Special video), but no go. Took a ride along the lake to Donner Pass only to find it closed for some reason, had to turn back into the thunderstorm and Interstate 80, but headed west just in time. Surprised to see Nevada gripped by the same epidemic of fear as CA, with the same attendant economic destruction. Sad.

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