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Have a way out

4 years ago

That's all. I'm not going to elaborate on all the reasons you may want to find a way out of your neighborhood or town using alternative routes,roads,paths. Maybe even sneaking across private property to roads that are "passable". If you think you'll never need to know that, then ask yourself this, did you ever think there would be church's forbidden to open,, bars and restaurants that would be forced to close and go out of business, people forced into homelessness from job loss all because of a deep state push to destroy the country we live in, in order to maintain, or regain power? I don't think that any scenario you could imagine, would now be outside the realm of possibility. Stay prepped. Stay ready. If you enter amazon through my link https://amzn.to/3lhFqKz I get payed a small percentage of whatever you spend there. It doesn't cost you any more and I don't know what you've bought. Many thanks to those that do use my link. its greatly appreciated.