Bible Mysteries Podcast - Episode 92: The Mystery of Angels

1 year ago

Episode 92: The Mystery of Angels Part 1

Summary: There is much misunderstanding in the world today about angels. Many deny the spiritual realm exists, some take an infantile view that angels are little babies with wings and bows, and many Christians think angels were created by God to serve and protect man. What is the truth about angels? Let’s search the Scriptures.

Show Notes:
Angel: Hebrew - mal’āḵ: messenger, representative, angel

Angels are associated with:
Harbingers and executors of judgment
Ministering to the heirs of salvation

Scripture References:

All Scripture references are cited from the King James Version Bible.

2 Timothy 2:7, 1 Timothy 3:16, 1 Timothy 5:21, 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Genesis 16:7-12, Genesis 19:1-3, Hebrews 1:13-14, 2 Peter 2:9- 11

The Sons of God were created long before man was introduced to this planet. They witnessed the very creation of the earth! They are greater in power and might than we, yet we shall judge the fallen angels at some point. We should view the elect angels as our elder brethren in every sense of the word!

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