The Singularity Timeline Part 3

2 years ago

By now, more and more people have probably heard that Facebook is changing their name to Meta, and the name is not random. But nothing is random, is it? They want to introduce a new kind of social media, which is completely based on virtual reality (I’m going to abbreviate it to VR from hereon). Instead of using Zoom and other visual devices on the Internet, you get avatars that look like you, and one thing you can do, either by yourself or together with others, create an environment where you meet and mingle with your buddies and family in a VR environment. Metaverse is only in its beta stage yet, you could say, but those who have tried the platform for any extensive time say that even if the avatars look tacky still, they feel like they are there, and it starts feeling like a natural environment, despite the tacky characters and cartoon-like surroundings.

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