Q&A Session #2, July 2022
TRANSCRIPT: https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/QA-Session-2-July-2022.pdf
Questions in this Session:
QUESTION 1: Is the following part about karma still valid? In the next incarnation, do we still need to take the consequences of what we have done in this incarnation?
QUESTION 2: About the Patrix Quarantine: Is the grid quarantined by Orion, meaning Enki and others can't get out into the KHAA?
QUESTION 3: How does one understand that one is a Spirited Soul?
QUESTION 4: If one of the parents is an artificial soul, can their children still be Spirited Souls?
QUESTION 4A: Why is there always something stopping me from developing and awakening? Once I start awakening spiritually, something bad in the outside world happens to me. Examples are: Getting trapped by a narcissist, getting very ill, becoming part of a scandal, losing your job for no reason, sudden antisocial/terrible behaviour from loved ones, etc. It’s not always fire burning deadwood. Is there a reason why this happens to people? Or is it just bad karma?
QUESTION 5: Is there any differences between The Archons, The Annunaki and The Alien Invader Force (AIF) that you coined in your papers? Are they all the same group or are they one and the same?
QUESTION 6: Considering our liberation from the earth matrix, there will be a set of goals that should be achieved by the followers of your research and eventually the way to reach them, while the great reset doesn't happen and there is still some freedom in the western countries. Is that so?
QUESTION 7: What's the difference between Tiamat and Gaia?
The Orion Creation Story According to the Wes Penre Papers
The following is an excerpt from the Wes Penre Papers, the Second Level of Learning. I will post some excerpts from the WPP in a few videos ahead because even those who have read the papers might not remember—it’s a lot of information to absorb. I will also comment on certain sections I’m quoting. The original papers can be found at https://wespenre.com/ and can be downloaded for free.
A Step by Step Guide on How to STOP Reincarnating
A Step by Step Guide on How to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle & Never Reincarnate ever again. In addition, this video also covers FAQ, troubleshooting, and any other soul traps you may encounter.
This is the most comprehensive video ever made on exactly what to do to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle Forever & be the Free Sovereign Soul you were always meant to be.
REINCARNATION IS A TRAP - The True Purpose of the Tunnel of Light
The truth about the Reincarnation Cycle and who really benefits from humans endlessly reincarnating.
The Soul Net--The Grid in the Sky
There is a frequency grid, keeping us trapped within the 3D frequency of light--another word for the Matrix. Fortunately, there are also holes in the Grid, which I have discussed many times in the Wes Penre Papers (wespenre.com) and on my other video channel at wespenrevideos.com. Through there, we can, after death, escape the Matrix
Q&A Session #1, July 2022
Question 1: Can lucid dreaming be used as a tool to help your awakening/gnosis and/or how does it fit into the picture of all the research you’ve done? Perhaps using it as a way to do shadow work and working on letting go of attachments? For example, some lucid dreamers would ask scary/dark dream figures what they represent, or “ask the subconscious” directly about certain things. Are there any risks with using lucid dreaming as a tool?
Question 2: I’ve heard someone talk about the malevolent powers that be as that guy in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory—the evil one who wants the secret recipe—but in the end, the bad guy was actually in cahoots with Willy, so I think that’s such an interesting idea to think about. Do you think that is how our whole world is set up? And ultimately the evil and good are on the same team and the evil weeds out the people who have less integrity and such? Because ultimately, we are all One, right? It’s so fun to think about.
Question 3: Are there beings on Gaia that are using Orion Technology in some capacity? I know that beings there are very close to Nature. I would love to visit Gaia in its entirety once I leave the Kenoma.
Question 4: If flat earth is real, how come nobody sees a flat plane or a firmament when they astral project or when remote viewing?
Question 5: I have my doubts that the moon is even a solid spherical object, instead just a projection of sorts from the rays of the black sun, reflecting off the firmament and making a light-based projection which would be the moon.
With that in mind, how exactly would it have been possible for Robert Monroe to have seen beings living on the moon, if the moon is not a solid or inhabitable land mass to begin with? Do you think Robert is controlled opposition? Or is it maybe that there is a level of subjectivity to remote viewing that keeps one from seeing things like a flat earth or a firmament dome.
Needs, Trauma, Behavior, and Reprogramming
In videos and articles of the past, I have to a great deal covered the subject of narcissism and codependency and different ways of coping with it and healing from it. I have talked about so-called shadow work, regression therapy, and other ways to be in control of our subconscious behaviors. Although some of these techniques work to a certain degree, they do not, in my opinion, get us to the point we might want to be as adult humans. There is another way that has helped me a lot on my journey the last year or so, and for me, it is really working.
How Confusion is Introduced into the Spiritual Field
Back in 1963, the CIA wrote a document called, “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation,” which described something that was to be called “The Alice in Wonderland Technique.” This was used by CIA interrogators when they wanted the interrogated person to reveal their secrets, and it is being used in expanded terms up to this day.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Used in the Spiritual Field
This is a rework of a video from 2019 that is still unfortunately very relevant.
...This technique (NLP) can also be used for dark purposes, of course, and it is. Whistle-blowers, former Illuminati programmers, and MK ULTRA survivors have told us that NLP is being used by the Elite to manipulate our minds, so we act and react the way they want us to without realizing it.
Two Types of Spirituality
There are two main types of spirituality, as we see it. There are those who almost entirely concentrate on feeling good and elevated most of the time, in attempts to raise their vibration. Then, there are the truth-seekers, who are ready to see reality the way it is, regardless of how dark it might appear. Which one do you belong to?
Q&A Session #2, June 2022
QUESTION 1: Regarding natural death, it seems that this pivotal moment is mostly determined by the physical body's ability to function. If the body can't function in this world anymore, it passes on. Could it be that this isn't the only way natural death can occur? Could natural death also occur on a basis of personal development? If you've learned enough lessons or developed sufficiently in this realm, could this also bring about one's natural death? The older we get; the faster time seems to go by. If we think of getting older as maturity level rather than physical age, then with all of this in mind, a 30-year-old could be closer to transition than a 50-year-old.
As far-fetched as this sounds, I was just thinking. What are your thoughts on this?
QUESTION 2: I've heard from many sources that beyond this plane, mere thought is instant. I can't help but wonder how chaotic that seems to me.
Am I mistaking in assuming that Orion - beyond the grid - is different from our world in that regard? Is thought truly "instant" or does it mean something else?
QUESTION 3: I just watched a remote viewing video titled "Moksha" as per a Q&A you made earlier. Interesting stuff by Bret Stuart, but I'm curious. Do you have any idea what he was talking about when he mentioned the 45-degree body angle upon death thing, and if it may be valid?
Secondly, he mentions a grid but never that there may be openings upon which to pass through, at least not in the video. Are there truly holes in the energy grid, and if so, are they the only way out?
QUESTION 4: How can we see star systems and galaxies in the sky with or without telescopes when there is a dome in place.
Even when we see through the dome, as it might be transparent, then we still cannot see the nano world.
I thought the seven heavens above the earth are other dimensions we cannot see with our physical senses.
I do realize we cannot see the 8th heaven (nano world), but can we see the seven heavens?
QUESTION 5: Is it our most rigid beliefs what is keeping the grid in place? Is technology involved with the stability of the grid as well?
Q&A Session #1, June 2022
QUESTION 1: Regarding natural death, it seems that this pivotal moment is mostly determined by the physical body's ability to function. If the body can't function in this world anymore, it passes on. Could it be that this isn't the only way natural death can occur? Could natural death also occur on a basis of personal development? If you've learned enough lessons or developed sufficiently in this realm, could this also bring about one's natural death? The older we get; the faster time seems to go by. If we think of getting older as maturity level rather than physical age, then with all of this in mind, a 30-year-old could be closer to transition than a 50-year-old.
As far-fetched as this sounds, I was just thinking. What are your thoughts on this?
QUESTION 2: I've heard from many sources that beyond this plane, mere thought is instant. I can't help but wonder how chaotic that seems to me.
Am I mistaking in assuming that Orion - beyond the grid - is different from our world in that regard? Is thought truly "instant" or does it mean something else?
QUESTION 3: I just watched a remote viewing video titled "Moksha" as per a Q&A you made earlier. Interesting stuff by Bret Stuart, but I'm curious. Do you have any idea what he was talking about when he mentioned the 45-degree body angle upon death thing, and if it may be valid?
Secondly, he mentions a grid but never that there may be openings upon which to pass through, at least not in the video. Are there truly holes in the energy grid, and if so, are they the only way out?
QUESTION 4: How can we see star systems and galaxies in the sky with or without telescopes when there is a dome in place.
Even when we see through the dome, as it might be transparent, then we still cannot see the nano world.
I thought the seven heavens above the earth are other dimensions we cannot see with our physical senses.
I do realize we cannot see the 8th heaven (nano world), but can we see the seven heavens?
QUESTION 5: Is it our most rigid beliefs what is keeping the grid in place? Is technology involved with the stability of the grid as well?
Imagination versus the Internet
Is true imagination something of the past? Are people as creative and imaginative as they used to be? Let us make a comparison between imagination before the Internet with how it is today when Internet has been around for a while. How important is imagination?
Quantum Mechanics and the Human Soul Group (The Observer's Viewpoint)
Now, when the new forum is up and running at wespenreboards.com, I can more consistently start making videos again. I am not done with my research on the Metaverse and the Singularity yet, but I think you might find this video interesting—particularly when it comes to exiting the Grid and creating our reality…
The Timekeepers and the Order of the Greater Universe
THE ONLY WAY TIME CAN EXIST in the KHAA/Greater Universe is if it’s artificially created. Each solar system has its own time cycle, and each galaxy has its own time cycle, as well as he galactic clusters—wheels within wheels of time. In this video, we particularly want to concentrate on solar systems, including our own. Time, as perceived in 3-D, whether it’s in our solar system or any other solar system, is created with Orion technology. In “space,” i.e. the KHAA between solar systems and galaxies—the VOID, no time can exist.
The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath Part 6
We know for a fact that Nazi leaders fled to Antarctica and Argentina, among other places. In Argentina, they were welcomed by Juan Perón, who became the Head of State in 1946. The Nazis also had help to escape from the Vatican and the Scandinavian countries. Interesting, however, that they don’t directly mention the United States here, although it is general knowledge that the absolute top Nazi scientists were smuggled into the U.S. after the war through Operation Paperclip. Still, in the last quoted paragraph from Wikipedia above, it mentions Germans driving U.S. Army trucks, but they “had failed to check them carefully.” We can believe that if we want…
The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath Part 5
The Vril Society in Germany was officially founded in 1921 by a young woman named Maria Orsic, born on October 31, 1885 in Zagreb, Croatia . Some say that the idea behind this secret society was based upon the teachings of the Order of the Black Stone, founded in 1221 , while others say it was inspired by the Rosicrucian author, Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s book, The Coming Race from 1871, which is about a race of humanlike creatures living underground in a vast subterranean world.
The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath Part 3
Time for Part 3 in our Antediluvian series about the Aryan Namlú’u race. This time, we will start touching upon the Nazi connection with the Inner Earth and their collaboration with Tibet and certain secret societies. This is a huge subject, which will take more than one article and video to complete, but I personally find this subject fascinating. To you, who are listening to the video, also feel free to check the footnotes in the transcript for references. The transcript can be found on our blog in PDF, just beneath the video itself.
The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath Part 2
In the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), I discussed the underground at some length, also stating that the Earth is not hollow but honeycombed. If this is a fact, which there is a lot of evidence for, it’s even more interesting if we consider bees and honeycombs being associated with Orion, as I mentioned in the WPP, the Second Level of Learning .
The Antediluvian Aryan Race and the World Beneath Part 1
If we try to connect the dots from what I have learned and hypothesized thus far, I will argue that Nibiru is in fact planet Earth, and the original Garden of Edin was the version of Earth that was manifested between the 7th and 8th Heavens, as told in the Gnostic texts. It was a higher dimensional version of our current Earth.