Dragoș Mateescu: There is a strong nationalist tendency in Turkey

2 years ago

Cross-border Talks spoke to Dragoș Mateescu - a Romanian expert on Turkey, working for the Romanian diplomatic institute. The talks deals with Turkey's veto on Finland and Sweden's bid to join NATO, the foreign policy of Ankara in the Middle East, gas geopolitics in Southeastern Europe, as well as Turkey's attitude towards war between Russia and Ukraine.

Mateescu explained that Turkey's led by people with strong nationalist convictions, who have their sensitivies, just as other countries have theirs. He sees an escalation of challenges and threats to the current political status quo in Turkey - not only the Kurdish issue, not only the Gullen affair, but also the economic condition, which is dire. Mateescu provides facts and perspectives on a number of issues, which could set up better the international public's understanding of Turkey and its foreign policy.

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