Homeschoolers are Antisocial /Homeschool Myths / Homeschool Myths Debunked /Socialization Myth

2 years ago

Homeschoolers are Antisocial /Homeschool Myths / Homeschool Myths Debunked / Homeschool Misconceptions / Homeschool Myth

Welcome Back! Here on my channel I talk about all things homeschool from tots to teens in real life, because God didn’t make me Pinterest perfect. I don’t even pretend to be.

This video is part of a summer series I am running here on my channel. Debunking homeschool myths / homeschool myths debunked / homeschool misconceptions / homeschool myths / homeschool myths vs reality

Today we are talking about the myth that homeschoolers are not well socialized. Oh boy, buckle up it’s about to get bumpy.

Where does the idea of this myth even come from? My assumption is that it stems from the idea that homeschoolers are always at home and when children are in public school they are surrounded by kids their age.

Homeschoolers are Not always at home. In fact i think its safe to say homeschool moms log a lot more miles with their children in the car than public school moms.

Is public school socialization the best option?

I believe some people still have this idea that homeschooling looks like sitting in a log cabin in the woods cut off from the rest of the world and only having the ability to converse with your immediate family members. This is not real life- it is only my fantasy world.

In reality homeschooling looks a lot like going out and living life with your children. Imagine spending all of your time with your children and taking them everywhere you go. This means they would have daily interactions with people of all ages, races, backgrounds, industries…you see what i mean.

“But what about making real friendships?”

Not only do homeschool children have actual friends but they get to spend a lot of time playing with them. Arguably more time than they would in public school. Don’t you remember that phrase every teacher loved? “We are not here to socialize we are here to learn.” So recess, lunch, and passing periods…those are socialization times… got it…

I wont argue the fact that children in public schools are surrounded by anywhere from twenty to thirty children their own age all day long. Just picture your typical classroom. Is this sort of set up the way socialization should be? “Here is a group of people that are your same age. These are the people you can pick from to be your friends. You will go through twelve years of indoctrination - i mean education- with this group of people. Their opinion of you will matter more to you than your opinion of yourself. You will log more hours around them durning the day than your own family. Choose, but choose wisely…” Not all children are social butterflies. What about the kids who like to work alone, or are overwhelmed by social situations, what about the kids who would rather read a book than look up silly memes online. Those kids are immediately labeled as “weird” or stuck up.

The long and the short of it is simple. Homeschool kids do have social lives. They may not be the sort of social life you incision in your head for a typical child, but they do have as much or as little of a social life as they would like.

Thank you Monika Michelle, Erika Lee, Naomi Patterson, Melissa Reynolds, Marquelle Brown, Nicole McKinney Wendy Johnson, for this homeschool Myth. I hope I have successfully busted it for you.





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