Gong 4 - Emotional Healing and The Gong - Dr. Jain Wells

2 years ago

The gong is an exceptional tool for healing at multiple levels - emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual. This video is about the emotional healing aspect. Any time you have a challenging emotion come up - whether its anger, sadness, loneliness, embarrassment, jealousy etc. and you g to the gong while you are feeling triggered, the fact that you are activated into your feelings allows the he emission of sound frequencies to shift that imprint -- heal it completely. This requires doing a full session of 45 minutes, which is a full body wash of sound. You do this at home, and its easy to do. You just need the right gong and a high quality mallet. I have other videos that can quickly educate you around important things to know if you are interested in getting involved in gong sound healing. I also have a book with my gong research and specific practices that you can use to accelerate healing and raising vibrational frequency with the gong - that make age difference to making the gong really work for you for deep transformative healing. When we are closed and shut down, the gong can't affect us in the same way as when we are open and receptive. This is an important thing to understand about the gong.


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