psalm 139/89/91 and all the Proverbs (medicine)

2 years ago

human voice sound
maybe we'll all sound like that eventually
sit still vortex
my brain all the time
why they electric shock us
psychosis authority is the Lord
mml&j esp john, omg
hebrews n james
peter 1 & 2///corinthians 1&2
phillipians & colossians
i forgot a bunch but this song is too short!
romans, the best
how could i forget job?
only a Bible person
the liberals assume i'm doin satire
it's funny she thought that was funny
a woman in the western world...oh brother
...and then she started bitching about her dad
she thinks she's a dyke but right now man...
if you're actually gay you don't need to go to a pride festival
all the westernized countries, falling apart
say what you wanna say piss off as many people as you can on the way out
smartphones are degenerate to be fine w/ commie technology takeover
i'm not an actual luddite, i must internalize this rage
little kid voice
my leetle sail boat is preferable
what is enjoyment anyway
that's a philosophical loaded question
what does it mean to be truly grateful
basking in God's glory...they don't have that, so sad to me really
letting go of this idea that we know things
any wiseness from the Lord
transpiring the way i said it would

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