Fruit Smoothies

2 years ago

Adding fruits to your daily diet is almost a must for enjoying good nutrition. 🍏🍌🍐

It's hard to change your eating habits overnight, but there are several ways to add more fruit to your diet without drastically altering your daily life. Try having an apple and yogurt for breakfast instead of a muffin from your local coffee shop. Sometimes the smallest lifestyle changes can generate significant nutritional and health benefits down the road. 🥙

The health benefits of fruits come from their vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help strengthen your immune system, especially when combined with regular exercise. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

I also like to add them into a smoothy with my greens. So yummy!

What is your favorite smoothie recipe? Share below 👇

#foodasmedicine #fruits #holistichealth #immunologicalsupport #energimedicine #functionalmedicine #antioxidants #yourwellnessredefined

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