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Shemane Nugent - 2022-05-14 - War Of Deception | 432hz [hd 720p]

2 years ago

The right seems to be waking up a bit more lately. I understand it can be difficult for people on both the left and right, to acknowledge that after decades of laughing at and mocking those silly "tin foil hat folks", that those silly folks have been right this entire time, and that people such as Presidents Eisenhower and JFK have been in the so-called "tin foil hat club" as well.

The group of people who for all of known human history, have always owned and controlled literally everything, these people are not demi-gods. They are not all powerful. If they were, they wouldn't always be pining for our consent. They'd have pressed some magic unicorn button and had everything they wanted, many decades ago. So, these people are not gods. More like narcissistic sociopathic 10th Graders who rely on the rest of the students fear and worship, in order to maintain a control hold over the school. The second the rest of the students decide to stop fearing and worshiping these people, its game over. They know it.

So, don't be afraid to see that the so-called conspiracy kook moonbats were right this whole time. The only reason you ever feared it, is because you were tricked into thinking you had no power and could do nothing about it.

Hashtags: #greatreset #nwo #covid #scamdemic #genocide
Metatags Space Separated: greatreset nwo covid scamdemic genocide
Metatags Comma Separated: greatreset, nwo, covid, scamdemic, genocide


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