How to Make Tres Leches Cake (Three Milks Cake) with Coconut - Super Easy & Delicious!

3 years ago

My son LOVES Tres Leches Cake so naturally, I had to make it for him when he told me that's what he wanted as a graduation cake. (Our church just had the graduation ceremony for this year's homeschool graduates.) I learned to make this using box cake mix. Sometimes coconut (like in this video), sometimes yellow, sometimes white. What makes it a "Tres Leches" cake (or Three Milks) cake is the addition of the sweetened condensed milk + two other milks after the cake has baked and then topping it with homemade whipped cream.


Cake ingredients:

Box of cake mix (coconut, yellow, or white) prepared according to the directions on the box
Three milks totaling about 3 cups (I'm using 1 can sweetened condensed milk, about 6 oz. evaporated milk and regular whole milk until it all totals 3 cups)

For the whipped cream:
Heavy whipping cream
2 Tbsp sugar

Optional: Top with shredded coconut or fruit of your choice. Good options are pineapple, strawberry, blueberries, peaches, or mango

Also, in this video I mention my Atlantic Beach Pie video. Here it is:

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