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The One Good Work Required For Salvation? John 6:28, 29 #shorts

2 years ago

Is there one good work required for salvation? Even one? In John 6:28,29 Jesus said there was one work required, but He said it ironically. Salvation is by grace through faith and not of works. It is a free gift. In this bible verse Jesus was asked what works were required and He answered that the only work was that you believe in Him.

The Gospel is simple: Believe Jesus took your sin and gave you His righteousness. Imputed Righteousness (His is put on your account or ledger). He paid the penalty for your sin which is death. Because no amount of good works would do it -- you can never be good enough. You can't save yourself. But He can and He did. But you must believe in Him, the one God sent.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God bless you. If you believe in Jesus and that you now have eternal life comment below. Especially comment if you have just now believed.
Leave you prayer requests. And please pray for one another in the comments.


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