Pride Goes Before Destruction

2 years ago

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be lowly in spirit among the humble than to divide the spoil with the proud." Proverb 16:18-19

Pride has overtaken society and sinnning against God is suddenly a virtue to scream from the rooftops, and anyone who stands on God's Word is suddenly the one full of hate.

God is love. Love is not love, because there is no love without truth. This life is not the end, when your body fails, judgement will come. Pridefully rejecting God's law that's written on your heart and intended to save your soul for all of eternity is Satan's greatest goal. He despises human being who were created in God's image, the same God he rebelled against. Satan and all of his fallen angels disguise themselves as angels of lights, and with subtle whispers in the air have fostered a PRIDEFUL rebellion against God.

"Do as Thou Wilt" is the Satanic creed that many abide in, ignorant to the eternal consequences because the world applauds them, giving a false sense of security. Wake up, repent, and seek the truth of who God revealed himself to be thru Jesus Christ before it's too late

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