3 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 12/19/20.


VERSES: 2nd Timothy 2:12, 3:12; Hebrews 2:10; Romans 5:5; 2nd Corinthians 2:11



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Truth is like an amazing string of pearls all connected together in this Chapter. We have said in effect that the largest pearl of the Book of Romans is described in Romans Chapter 8, which is also the centerpiece of the Gospel of God. The centerpiece being adoption in “son-ship” to the Father. (Hebrews 2:10 speaks of this same theme of “bringing many sons unto glory”.) As mentioned before, the believers being addressed in the Book of Romans in that day would be very familiar with the Roman’s laws of adoption so would be able to understand the concepts being reflected in these passages. For example, under Roman law, a father may appoint an adopted son as heir to His estate and to carry on His name. This beautifully types the new man as the adopted son, being able to inherit with the natural sons. (Those of the natural {Israel} having an earthly pre-eminence and the new man having the heavenly.) Beside this one great pearl of Truth is strung the pearl of revelation of the regenerated spirit set at enmity with the carnal flesh. Another pearl of revelation is the necessity of the Father’s ‘child training,’ and the ongoing involvement of the indwelling gift of the power of the Holy Spirit in that process. Another pearl of understanding being the necessity of following the spirit/divine nature/new man and Holy Spirit in sufferings to attain unto that adoption. Another pearl here found is that creation suffers and groans in futility of purpose, in anticipation of the future manifestation of these trained first-born sons with their bodies resurrected from among the dead to join Christ in His coming Kingdom glory as heirs to rule in renewed creation. Another pearl of revelation truth is found in the prayer groanings of the sincere seeker, which are from the unction of the Holy Spirit. Another great pearl is how all things are working to the good of those who love God and are called according to His gracious purpose just previously stated (to be counted as a first-born son). Another is that the Sovereign all- powerful God has foreordained that He shall have sons conformed to the image of His Son and they shall also be glorified. (God did not ‘predestinate’ specific people to become sons. In the event of justification, He secured the then sure possibility of having many sons in the shedding of His love abroad in their hearts. Surely some will advantage themselves in the possibilities, and surely the Father’s Wisdom would successfully use life’s circumstances to make sure His purposes would not be entirely vain.) Nor is it the least of these pearls to know that nothing can separate a regenerated believer from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We shall take these last 2 pearls as we come to them later.

By way of quick review to get the text, we read from verses 22 through 28… “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first-fruits (the born again spirit) of the (Holy) Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption (harvest), to wit, the redemption of our body.

VERSE 24 “For we were are saved (the past tense event of the ‘spirit’ rebirth as a result of faith in Christ) in by hope (of the future glorious first resurrection of the body): but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? Israel was ‘saved’ and had the first-fruit of God’s Salvation plan, that of coming out of Egypt, but the ‘hope’ then set before them was the future inheritance for a peculiar people. That future being of the Promised Land, the harvest so to speak; the fullness of God’s Salvation purpose for them.

VERSE 25 “But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.” Having been justified/redeemed as typical of Israel out of Egypt, but recipients of the Promise of inheritance only, the desert experience like unto Israel is before us. Suffering the wilderness course that we might know ourselves (have God reveal to us the exceedingly sinfulness of our sin as in James 1:22-25) and respond accordingly before gaining an inheritance and having preeminence over the nations of the Earth is in order. Patience and hope is necessary to run the race unto the reward of inheritance, but patience and hope in God’s promise are not enough that we should not be overcome by our enemies. We need help.

VERSE 26 “Likewise (as whole creation, and......


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