Progressive Era in America | American History Flipped Classroom

2 years ago

To get a PowerPoint (or Google Slides) on the Progressive Era in American history, click here:

If you are a teacher and want to flip your American history class on the Progressive Era, you are in the right place.

Help your students learn about the United States during the Progressive Era by sharing this video. Students can learn at home, then you as the teacher can have a great discussion during class time.

After the Industrial Revolution, the U.S. wanted to improve the working conditions for Americans. The Progressive Era was a time to fix the problems from the Gilded Age when children worked in factories and workers worked in very dangerous working conditions.

#AmericanHistory #HistoryTeacher #TeachingResources

★ Content in this video includes ★
0:00 Progressive Era introduction
2:20 Organized labor and unions
3:11 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
4:10 Muckrakers
4:47 Jacob Riis’s How the Other Half Live
5:28 Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
6:12 Pure Food and Drug Act
6:33 Social Gospel
7:12 Women’s Movement
8:12 Jane Addams and Hull House
9:04 Suffrage Movement
10:12 Monopolies
13:45 Progressive Party (Bull-Moose Party)
15:00 Federal Reserve
15:50 Plessy versus Ferguson
18:44 Booker T. Washington versus W.E.B. Du Bois
22:00 NAACP
22:50 Wright Brothers first motorized plane

★ Resources for History Teachers ★
How to make history class interesting:
FREE Constitution Cheat Sheet:
Primary source activities:
AP US History Timelines:
PowerPoints (or Google Slides) of ALL American history:

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