Saturn & the Occult Gods & Symbolism in Culture

1 year ago

We present this a somewhat secular opinion... Zeitgeist (Copycat Christ Theory) Exposed - This video goes through the claims of the often-repeated Zeitgeist movie and refutes them one by one. The claims put forth in the movie about Jesus Christ is a mere copycat of other religious figures, dying-and-rising gods, Biblical theology being based on astrotheology/astrology and many others are all addressed and refuted one by one.

"[Isaiah 14:12-15] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."

All credit for this video goes to Elliot Nesch and those mentioned in the credits at the end of the film.

Further refutation of books and a myriad of other recycled myths...

See Here How many are easily confused in Biblical History and the How Jesus and the BIble easily expose all other Mysteries.

The book The Pagan Christ is a book exposed and refuted as chock full of questionable claims, such as: that “Christianity began as a cult with almost wholly Pagan origins and motivations in the first century”; that nearly all of the most creative leaders of the earliest church were pronounced heretics and reviled by “those who had swept in and grabbed control of [church] policies”; that “apart from the four Gospels . . . and the Epistles, there is no hard, historical evidence for Jesus’ existence coming out of the first century at all.”

Many esoteric researchers affirm that the name Is-Ra-El is the combination of the names of ancient pagan deities Isis, Ra and El.

Occult Symbolism: Saturn Worship

You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this day. Saturn, dubbed the “Lord of the Rings”, is the reason why we exchange rings at weddings or put halos on the heads of godly people. This article exposes the attributes of the god Saturn and the perpetuation of his cult through in pop culture.

sat 1 saturn-3d-space-tour

Since ancient times, sages gazed at the stars, admiring their heavenly glow and attributing them godly powers, based on their effect on humans. Before the Great Flood, Saturn was regarded by all mankind as the supreme god and ruler of the kings. Occult researchers affirm that Saturn ruled the kingdom of Atlantis and became the divine ancestor of all earthly patriarchs and kings. The cult has been perpetuated through numerous gods during Antiquity:

“Chronos, or Saturn, Dionysos, Hyperion, Atlas, Hercules, were all connected with ‘a great Saturnian continent;’ they were kings that ruled over countries on the western shores of the Mediterranean, Africa and Spain. ”
Baldwin, Prehistoric Nations

In Egyptian mythology Isis is considered Saturn’s eldest daughter:

“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods”


The Pagan Christ Exposed:

Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. The supreme deity was represented by a black cube. We can find instances of the cube across the world.

Video Credit ODD TV

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