Jesus vs the Copycat Christs Theory Exposed

2 years ago

Zeitgeist (Copycat Christ Theory) Exposed - This video goes through the claims of the often-repeated Zeitgeist movie and refutes them one by one. The claims put forth in the movie about Jesus Christ is a mere copycat of other religious figures, dying-and-rising gods, Biblical theology being based on astrotheology/astrology and many others are all addressed refuted one by one.

All credit for this video goes to Elliot Nesch and those mentioned in the credits at the end of the film.

Further refutation of books and a myriad of other recycled myths...

The book The Pagan Christ is a book exposed and refuted as chock full of questionable claims, such as: that “Christianity began as a cult with almost wholly Pagan origins and motivations in the first century”; that nearly all of the most creative leaders of the earliest church were pronounced heretics and reviled by “those who had swept in and grabbed control of [church] policies”; that “apart from the four Gospels . . . and the Epistles, there is no hard, historical evidence for Jesus’ existence coming out of the first century at all.”

Source Article This book was placed in my path to read. After 10 min, it was clear that this was just another Counterfeit Christ attack in the likes of Zeitgeist and other Pagan Christ CONspiracies. I found the below article that has thoroughly destroyed the puny arguments brought forth by Zeitgeist and the others pagans who seek to sell books and attack Christianity. The attack is getting old, but it simply as the serpent in the garden seeks to cause doubt in the minds of well-meaning people. Has God said,… So in the spirit of the Apostle Paul. A thoroughly documented expose on the lies of the Cross of Christ as just another religion in evolution.

Really? Same old lies!

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