The Civil War Just Blew Up

3 years ago

Welcome to the new normal. If you believe we are headed into a civil war of some kind, here are some reasons it may not turn out the way you think it will.

A lot of people have this image of federal troops lined up against rebel troops from confederate states, but a look back at another country in history may give a more accurate look at what we can expect. That country is China of course.

In the early 20th century China was a very chaotic place. After the Qing dynasty showed itself to be completely illegitimate and incapable of fending off foreign influences (and in many cases helping the foreign influences) people rose up to overthrow the imperial system that had existed for thousands of years. The idea was to bring a republican system to the country, but it didn't really work out that way. Instead the country shattered into many different factions, all fighting for dominance. This is most likely what you would see in the United States if a civil war does break out. There will not be just one side, there will be many sides and factions all fighting for control of their respective territories.

We share another parallel with the Chinese of the early 20th century. The only faction that has any organization at this time are the communists. If the country splinters into factions in a civil war, the communists will end up being in the best position early on, because they are the only ones prepared.

I also believe that the federal government, in the eyes of the people, has lost its legitimacy. When I saw what appeared to be regular working class people occupying Mike Pence's seat on the senate dais, everything just seemed to lose its magic. Before January 6th, 2021 the capital building was like a sacred temple where only the special elected officials could go. Following that day, it may as well be a barn. Just as with the Qing dynasty, the US federal government has lost its legitimacy in the eyes of the people. Many people are going to have no respect for a bunch of people cowering with bags over their heads. Right or wrong, that is how people are going to see it.

Right now, I believe the only part of the government that still has any legitimacy in the eyes of many people is the military. If things continue to escalate, it may be wise for them to step in to prevent the country from completely falling apart. If there was ever a time for the use of presidential directive 51, this is it. Unfortunately that is not likely to happen.

I have heard many on the left coming out and labeling the Trump supporters as terrorists. There have been talks of purges, and commissions. This is a terrible mistake. What will people do when they feel they have nothing to lose? This will only cause further escalation. Removing Trump from social media will also cause further escalation. It is also a mistake to come after apps like Parler. All of this will be seen by a large portion of the population as an attack on them. Unfortunately I don't think anyone is going to stop marching forward here.

I also believe this storming of the capital will not be limited to the United States. As with the Arab spring, this will likely spread to other places. I am sure that many watching around the world saw it, and when they get desperate they may storm parliament (as an example). These are desperate times, and people will make desperate moves.

I still hope for something to turn this ship around, but Im afraid its just going to keep going.

enjoy the video.

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