VMblog 2021 Industry Experts Video #Predictions Series Episode 4

3 years ago

As part of our annual #predictions series for 2021, VMblog (https://vmblog.com) asked a number of different industry experts to share their thoughts about the new year. In episode 4, we hear from these experts: Steven Mih, co-founder & CEO, Ahana; Bruno Andrade, CEO, Shipa; Anil Inamdar, VP & Head of Consulting, Instaclustr; Tim Doiron, Sr. Director of Marketing, Infinera; Matt Wallace, CTO, Faction; and Glen Kosaka, VP of Product Management, NeuVector. Watch as these experts talk about their predictions and share their thoughts around the future of technology within the IT industry.

[0:34] Listen in as Mih of Ahana talks about the continued rise of the use of data lakes will see more data driven companies leverage open source engines for analytics and AI.

[2:24] Watch as Andrade of Shipa makes his predictions around Kubernetes as a technology to take more of a back seat. Read more of their predictions in this article: https://vmblog.com/archive/2021/01/13/shipa-io-2021-predictions-kubernetes-goes-invisible-ops-goes-distributed-and-infrastructure-gets-easier.aspx#.YAS4xhZMHho

[3:16] Don't miss these two predictions from Inamdar of Instaclustr as he talks about companies becoming increasingly more comfortable adopting open source data technologies, and why companies will enlist open source Apache Kafka to power their applications. Read more in this 2021 prediction article from Instaclustr: https://vmblog.com/archive/2021/01/07/instaclustr-2021-predictions-open-source-in-2021-open-core-wanes-as-license-fees-get-ever-more-difficult-to-justify.aspx#.YAS46xZMHho

[4:20] Listen as Doiron of Infinera explains why 2021 will be the year when open and disaggregated becomes an expectation for service providers. And also read this Infinera 2021 predictions article: https://vmblog.com/archive/2020/12/10/infinera-2021-predictions-optical-networking-a-year-of-hope-covid-ripples-800g-open-disaggregated-and-multipoint-optics.aspx#.YAS5DxZMHho

[6:40] Hear why Wallace of Faction says that in 2021, multi-cloud becomes a must. Taking advantage of services, innovation and agility across multiple clouds is going to become the norm.

[8:07] Watch as Kosaka of NeuVector makes a couple of predictions on the cloud native tech front. What's happening with container pipeline and infrastructure automation? Want more? Read this NeuVector prediction article for 6 things to expect. https://vmblog.com/archive/2021/01/07/neuvector-2021-predictions-forecasting-container-security-in-2021-6-things-to-expect.aspx#.YAS5ORZMHho

You can also read hundreds of prediction articles for 2021 from various industry experts across the board, here: https://vmblog.com/archive/tags/Prediction+2021/default.aspx

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