Reasonable (Ugh) Apprehension

2 years ago


The current gun debate, after an emotionally provocative incident in an elementary school, amongst the "scientists" and "reason-based" atheists on the left is pressing for the police to adopt the reckless disregard for planning they had advised, during the pandemic, even discarding the concept of presumption of innocence to press for facial coverings on a presumption of , while heralding the UNESCO precautionary principle, which has been expressly rejected by American courts, a fact you can even find in the Wikipedia upon which one study upon which the nation's only physician serving as a state governor had relied--and a doctor obviously may not know what even a first year law student knows about the law: courts traditionally eschew speculative damages. They say to be like Spock, and then they act like bundles of sensitive emotions.

If you are a scaredy cat about guns, that's you. If you work in a school and don't want the responsibility to protect students in a mass gun violence incident, which actually is not an everyday occurrence, that's you. If you even had a gun and did not know how to use it, or anything about apprehension tactics, you would probably wind up like the "businessman" who believed he could negotiate with terrorists in Die Hard, and place the lives of others at risk, which is exactly what a police officer, John Wayne style going in will do, too.

The perpetrator may freak out, especially if he is only used to terrifying kids and school marms, and go on a rampage and shoot more, to go out like the home girls in Set It Off.

The best way to counter a violent attack is to "nip it in the bud", as momma used to say, and in counterintelligence that involves disrupting the planning cycle for those who tend to prefer the easy way, like most folks, and prefer soft targets. Why didn't homey attack his high school? They'd probably kick his pansy butt. And he wasn't stupid. A Sentinel Program addresses the terrorist's planning cycle and introduces to his head a wild card that he has to plan around or avoid.

So, according to DHS, you have three choices: 1) grab your skirt and run as fast as your little scared feet will carry you, like a coward; 2) failing that, hide terrified self somewhere clever so the big bad guys can't hurt you; and 3) failing that, I guess now you are the man in the family; so, look out for your momma.

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