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Worlds Apart | No signs of light? - Einar Tangen

2 years ago

United we stand, divided we fall – this may be one of the oldest and most popular mottos in human history. It’s featured in Aesop’s Fables, the Harry Potter saga, the New Testament, and of course, in multiple speeches of US presidents. If it’s true on a national level, could it also apply to the world? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Einar Tangen, senior fellow at the Taihe Institute.


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  • He sounds like a good Marxist. Take the jab, no free speech & ban the guns. In other words, get rid of the Constitution.

  • Governments lied. The vaccines are too dangerous and no sensible human would voluntarily be injected with it. Herding people around like cattle for governmental goals and the profit margins of companies are unacceptable!! At this stage governments are acting foolishly, not free thinking individuals. Systems are collapsing because of governments, not because of individuals and the choices they make.

  • He is wrong about some aspects of the American government. The bureaucracy remains no matter the government. This is a blessing in terms of stability. But a curse in that a non elected elite actually run the country with no constraints and only greed to guide them. I believe that democracy that supports individual rights is the best route forward for North America. Obviously it isn't a system that will work in other counties. But interestingly I see a lot of other countries here. The one factor that really creates problems is the idea that any system is better than another. The US wants world dominance as does China. Islam wants a one world theocracy as does Christianity. All are willing to under cut one and other to achieve their goals. The Us is dirty but so is everyone else.

  • Very fine interview. 😎

  • Fascinating discussion

  • Always well informed discussion with Einar Tangen. Knows well the hypocrisy of the West. Korea and Vietnam were proxies against China and to some extent, the Soviet Union.

  • Good topic. Division. We observe division in it's spectacular display manifested in Groupings(Blocs).....nations, countries, religious, ethnicity, skin color, belief systems, opinions, ideas etc. The mind is divided within itself. The mind is conditioned by it's background, education,belief systems etc. We all live in a particular bubble(me)and when we encounter a different bubble(you) there is friction in ideology. This friction is war. This inner division expresses itself as outward war and this is what we see happening in the world. We do not have an education/religious/political/social system that teaches us love but they all condition us to division, to war. We will solve that problem "out there" when we address in "in here"

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  • The West for the past 300 years. They invaded continents, robbing, stealing, and committing mass genocides whenever and wherever they arrived. In fact, they did so well they kept expanding. However, for the past 100 years or so they could only rob and steal individual countries when they try regime change. Now, for the past few dozen years, they know that they will collaspe so they can't continue what they have been doing. All they can do now to survive is to rob and steal individuals and/or companies.

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  • Well, there you go..... he sounds like the bureaucrats, Democrats and others. Against freedom of speech? he sounds more like a globalist....... He's concerned about a vaccine and spreading something?? Control freaks over others but not themselves.

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  • Einar Tangen is a straight shooter, and his clarity on political issues is always right on.

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  • Just too many people in the World but at least Mr Putin is getting rid of a lot of them, partly with bombs and mostly it will be with blockading the the grain.

  • Why do we need such a world if there is no Russia? (Vladimir Putin, 2022) https://www.bitchute.com/video/5X4QbMyL9iH3/

  • This guy is full of poop! Doesn't know what he is talking about.