Nobody cares! The sooner you figure that out, the better.

2 years ago

It's just plain selfishness, this need to share all your problems with everyone else. Buck it up, little campers, life is hard, and you would do well to get used to it. This selfishness has been bred into every part of society today. It is a kryptonite type weakness that will never allow you to fulfill your destiny, reach out beyond yourself, or achieve at the level you may want or at least the level you think you are worthy of attaining.

The real superpower to the kryptonite is simply not complaining. Quit thinking anyone cares about your problems. People have enough of their own, they don't need yours. Most people like this never see the effect this has on their relationships, or how people look at them. The loss of respect this type of behavior engenders in others is unfortunate. It is also something someone selfish enough to act like this never see's or understands.

People are always assuming their problems are everyone else's, and it is such a crutch. The real power comes from keeping your problems to yourself; having the intestinal fortitude to not share, or be the center of attention; not feeling the need to bring people down to your level, and not making everyone around you miserable like you are.

So pull your pants up. Walk carefully down the aisle of an airplane. Pay attention to the impact you are having on the people around you. Quit being so selfish, you are not the only human on the planet.

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