Truck Fire - 2022-02-02

2 years ago

I wanted to make you aware that I was involved in another automobile related incident. I do not know if it is the good Lord saying don't travel in vehicles or if it is an opportunity for my Guardian Angel to get in a lot of overtime.

I was riding in the backseat of a truck which belongs to a friend of mine. My friend is my age and has MS (multiple sclerosis). He drives a truck that is made with many conversion options so he, with no use of his legs, can drive the truck. It even has a ramp that lifts his wheelchair up and into the driver seat and then back out.

Wednesday, February 2, Richie picked me up to go to dinner. As we were driving away from my home, approximately five minutes away, I started to feel heat under my seat. And then I looked down and I saw smoke billowing out from under my seat.

A short time later, literally within seconds, there were flames. I told Richie to please pull over and then I tried to get out of the door on the passenger side backseat but it was locked and would not open. The electrical system seemed to be compromised. Another very good friend, Josefina Campos, who was sitting in the passenger side front seat, could not get out either. The more we were struggling the more the cabin of the truck was filling with black smoke and flames. Finally I think by the grace of God the truck door pushed open. And I was able to get out and so was my friend who was in the front seat.

I made sure that Josefina was fine and I went back to the truck driver's side to rescue the dog who was in the backseat with me. Then finally my friend Richie who had managed to push himself out of his wheelchair and was on to the floor of the cab. I pulled him from the cab and onto the street below with his help. I then dragged him across the street, sadly hurting his back by scraping it on the asphalt, as I pulled him. We believe that the cause of the fire was an extra battery that was used as part of the modification for the vehicle to function helping my friend with disabilities.

I am providing a video which will show you just how fast the truck went up in flames. This video was shot by me on my telephone as I was dragging Richie away from the truck. It was literally seconds after getting him out of the truck. It's important to remember that I am doing this with a broken neck that is still healing and my left hand which is still healing and when I am not supposed to lift more than 20 pounds. Nonetheless, we all three and the dog got out safely. We are suffering a bit from the smoke inhalation. I thank the good Lord for our safety and I thank my guardian angel for never giving up on me.

We were blessed to have many Mexican people come to our aid and help me get Richie the rest of the way across the street and then provided us with blankets and offered us bread and comforted us.

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