Americans Struggle to Survive!

3 years ago

I want to start out today mentioning Rush Limbaugh. He has passed away over the last couple days. For those of you not in the US, he was a conservative talk radio host that the left loved to vilify. I can still remember the first time I turned on his program, I couldn’t stand it because I thought he was full of himself. Later it grew on me though, and I found it quite entertaining. I have not listened over the last few years, it was a bit hard to find on the radio in China. It is a bit sad to think that I won’t ever be able to listen to the program now. I hope his family is doing well.

Another thing we have been talking about is the situation with Cuomo. According to he is being investigated by the feds. I find it strange that they are only looking into him, considering there were several other governors who did the exact same thing. They are either preparing to throw him under the bus to save their own skin, or he is just being used right now to deflect from whoever is really behind this. To be honest, I don’t think there will be any justice. Cuomo is going to get away with it. The investigation will end, and he will be untouched. There is no justice in America these days, no equal justice I should say.

I also want to touch on these large scale power outages happening in the country. Texas is experiencing some major hiccups as a result of the crazy winter weather, and the left is absolutely loving it. Anything they can find to attack Texas is the best wine for them. Texas is the one place that has continued to do well in every financial disaster I have seen in my short life. In 2008 they continued to grow, and they have continued growing through the COVID pandemic. I expect they will continue to do well through this as well.

Also related to the power outages, I found an article from KOCO News 5 in Oklahoma talking about Oklahoma City turning the lights out to conserve power. I am starting to feel like Im in a third world country. This is the United States, do we really not have enough power to go around? When I was in Ecuador years ago they had planned blackouts. You would know that at a certain time of the evening your power would go out because there wasn’t enough to go around. This is America, how are we finding ourselves in the same position as Ecuador?

Poverty is also in the news. From Fox 2 in Detroit I found this article talking about a study finding that 43% of Michigan’s population cannot afford basic living expenses. I looked up the median income for the state, and its well above the poverty line. Maybe its time for us to realize the federal poverty line is way out of touch with reality. I think there are a lot of Americans struggling to meet basic living costs. We are supposed to be the best of the best right? In China people make lower wages, and yet they have enough to get by. Something is seriously wrong here.

Another development you have probably heard about is Facebook censoring all of Australia. My advice is to censor Facebook. Go ahead and delete it off your phone. You really don’t need them spying on you, and you can just call up friends and family. I say Australia is lucky.

The last thing I want to touch on is Joe Biden saying China’s Xinjiang situation is just a part of their culture. Just crazy that he thinks this is acceptable. He also mentions something about not having support if he doesn’t say its bad what they are doing, and he knows Xi Jinping understands. Sounds to me like Xi JInPing understands that Biden doesn’t mean anything he says that is negative about China, and that he (Biden) has XiJinPing’s back.

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