Leftovers from 2020

3 years ago

Every little clip from 2020 that I never got around to uploading...

00:00 Darla deck jump
00:04: Laser eye dogs
00:14 Emma & Lily being gay
01:03 Pack Play - Darla & Violet have a conversation, Gringo gets too excited
01:38 Emma makes out with Darla again...
02:33 Darla in a sit-stay, ignoring distractions, in a grocery store
02:44 Church in the rain
02:53 Nova plays with a stick between Violet's front legs...
03:15 Freya & Lizard showdown
03:36 Eva & Gringo share a stick
03:55 Pinch pinch pinch, Eva gets too excited
05:27 Another grocery store distraction
05:41 Sully gnaws on Darla's jowls but then a puppy jowl-blocks him
06:04 Darla caught in a blanket, Emma tries to help...
07:57 Eva vs Gringo and then some
09:20 Darla vs Sully
10:22 More grocery store distraction
10:34 Piggy puppy pinch
11:03 Emma and Darla have a conversation
11:15 Pinch pinch pinch pinch ending with a happy piggy puppy face
12:05 Darla & Violet share a stick
12:19 Violet, Darla & Lily share a stick
12:53 Darla runs after Freya at church
13:29 Violet, Darla & Freya 3-way
14:02 Eva & Athena try to psyche each other out
14:46 A little chase with Violet, Darla, Lily, Eva & Freya
15:02 Pack play with Emma, Lily, Sully, Darla, Emma, & Freya
17:08 Darla leg sweeps Violet while Freya takes her doooowwwnn
17:42 Freya & Emma mouth spar on the couch
18:04 Emma, Lily, Violet, Darla, Eva & Gringo sun bathing
18:14 Praying Mantis takes a wrong turn...
19:12 Darla & Violet having another conversation
20:05 Nova vs Violet then Darla joins in
21:00 Many words
21:15 Emma & Sully vs Darla
23:25 Darla staying by the cart in the meat department
23:39 Darla & Violet share another stick
24:11 Darla in a sit and stay next to a running semi followed by a down (hand signal) and stay
24:30 Lily, Darla & Eva keeping watch
24:34 Ending with a chase...


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