A Setup For the Loop Choke That Works Well With The Scissor Sweep

3 years ago

The loop choke has been one of the strong attacks in my arsenal for several years, and I often think about different ways to disguise its setup. That's why I started adding this entry in.

It's as basic as basic can be, but it works. And the more threatening you are with the scissor sweep, the more likely it is that you will catch opponents with this loop choke.

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W E B S I T E S:
🌐 Kenneth Brown BJJ: https://www.kennethbrownbjj.com​​
🌐 2nd Gear BJJ: https://www.2ndgearbjj.com​​
🌐 BJJ Canvas: https://www.bjjcanvas.com​​

C O N T A C T: 📧 kenneth@kennethbrownbjj.com

#BJJ​ #Loopchokes #ClosedGuard

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