Communion demo #2 (2004)

3 years ago

Tidal / Communion split EP demo #2 (2004)
3: Void (00:00)
4: Black WInter (13:11)

B-side to TIdal (Tides) demo #2

Here's info from the website from which you can download this:
"Communion is comprised of the three core members of Tides: Rob Dowler, Donnie Greene, and Augie Isaacson. Also in the mix is Mike Murphy handling vocals. The influences that inspired the band on their creative trajectory are a bit more apparent than on their later incarnation as Tides. However, this does not make their music any less powerful or exciting to listen to. Fans of Tides will appreciate this release. For those listeners who enjoy watching the heavy fuzzed out fury of Tides’ live show and have imagined what the addition of a vocalist might contribute, this release will more than satisfy your curiosity."

For the definitive online collection of all things Tides, I made a playlist of everything I uploaded, 2 demo EPs (2004), Live @ Valentine's Bar (2005), Resurface, From Silence EP (2006), Tides/Giant Split EP (2007), and Last Rites EP (2012):

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