they can't ruin a good thing w/out our compliance

2 years ago

paisley has to say hi over and over again in different ways
why i meow at people
rebuttal to society and i don't wanna talk
why they use the sheep
why they laugh at me
so good and then i fucked it up, story of my life that gets truer by the min
what have you done to go with yourself
hate that every man for himself kinda shit
that good ole competition thang
primitive nature will come out one way or another
what is sorcery? the powers at be having authority over you & me
popular headlines and why they matter
repeat it over & over til it gets old n boring
then of course there's the next thing
they want everyone to know what they're doin
i come up w/ my own traditions
Psalm 139 fave psalm of all time
paraphrasing but you get the gyst
imagine paisley being dunked in holy water
she looks so mad right now
the glory of cats
they fuck themselves up with their tail
this dude was so nice
was african american ever the right thing to say
love jlp so much, such a great take on God
so much controversy surrounding the holy trinity
a lotta people are right and wrong
so easy to manipulate people to hurt each other
Jesus is my centralized authority
why i cross myself
everything's fucked, so true!
the trifecta just makes sense to me
finally! end the video
sola scriptura has its' place
just some crazy white (shhhh) bitch in the suburbs
non-christians don't understand the whole faith thing
i love this kaleidoscope mind of mine
God is in the now
they do that cos they know that most people are afraid of death
powers at be ie society of jesus
i dunno if i believe that religious people are moral
technology is just as bad as "science"
of course society will be exploited
putting pieces together, connecting the dots
most don't even know that multiple dots exist
seeking the truth will make you lose sleep
you should not be comfortable in this world
if the world lets you down, create another one
looking forward to the third world for creative purposes

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