They Will Bring the Violence to Your Street

3 years ago

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Yesterday, while talking about global revolution, I had no idea that in South Africa chaos had erupted in many cities. Many people will say that South African society is very different from American, or other other western societies. They will tell you that this is happening because of poor, uneducated masses fighting back against oppression. I have known many people from South Africa however, black and white.

First I need to dispel this strange myth that black people in SA are uneducated peasants, this is not true. I have known many in China who were highly educated. Many of them owned businesses. The same was true of the white South Africans I knew. This is more complex than the media will lead you to believe.

The reasons, as I said previously, behind these riots are very complex. A large part of it is the conflict that exists between different racial groups in South African society. What has this got to do with American society? Critical Race Theory seeks to divide society along racial lines, and then emphasize ( or create ) conflict between the racial groups. They want the type of conflict taking place in SA to come here. If they are allowed to continue pushing these ideas, we will see more of these types of riots in our own cities and towns. I say more of because we have already been seeing them in the form of the George Floyd riots.

The people at the top of government and industry want to confuse society. They want to turn us against each other, and in the chaos they plan to cement their position over everyone forever. We cannot allow these divisions to continue.

I cannot imagine living in a world where we are serfs under the rule of powerful people who believe the Earth is unable to sustain the population of the planet. The same people sewing division believe the population of the planet needs to be reduced dramatically, and I doubt they are going to volunteer for the reduction, they will volunteer you and me to go to the gas chamber.

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