Defamatory Statements against Michael Anthony Peroutka

2 years ago

In 2004, I had the great privilege to be the Constitution Party candidate for the Office of President of the United States. The theme of our campaign was to “Honor God, Defend the Family, and Restore the Republic.”

During that campaign, I received support and endorsement from dozens of organizations, many of which shared my concern with an increasingly tyrannical government in Washington, DC, and my interest in restoring the Biblical principles of America’s founding.

One of the organizations that saw fit to endorse my candidacy was the League of the South. I was happy to accept that endorsement along with others.

However, another organization known as the “Southern Policy Law Center” was not happy with my me or with the “League of the South.”

The SPLC publishes a “Right-Wing Hate Watch” list that systematically smears and defames those with whom they disagree politically. The accusations they publish are largely anti-Christian and are accompanied by a sophisticated fundraising strategy. As of June 2021, the SPLC had reported endowment of more than $320 million.

The SPLC claims that the League of the South is a racist, white supremacist organization and, by my association with them, I am tarred with the same brush.

Other conservative and Christian groups that have been slandered by the SPLC include the American Family Association, The Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Counsel, World Net Daily, and The Family Research Council. In fact, in 2021 SPLC published what they call their “Hate Map” containing 733 “Hate Groups.”

A few years ago, investigative reporter John Stossel published a story about the SPLC and their ongoing, systematic “Hate Scam.”

Also, in 2019, The Southern Poverty Law Center was the subject of sexual harassment lawsuit and scandal.

SPLC has called me a racist, a white supremacist, a neo-confederate, and other names. Other similarly left-leaning newspapers have picked up and repeated these defamatory statements.

They are false and I deny them.

I have repeatedly been asked to denounce the League of the South.
I see no need to do so.

However, I do denounce the Southern Poverty Law Center and their fraudulent misrepresentations.

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