Episode 92: The Great Awakening

2 years ago

As the Mainstream Media and Mainstreet America awaken to the specter of global tyranny, millions rally to guard the sovereignty of their nations against a WHO takeover. In a scene eerily reminiscent of Event 201, which preceded the Covid-19 outbreak, a similar scenario imagined by the Nuclear Threat Initiative predicted the current Monkeypox outbreak would occur (as it did) on May 15th. Now even left-leaning media outlets are admitting that the jab is making people sick as CDC data reveals that vaccinated children are three times more likely to acquire Covid than their unvaccinated peers.

We are then joined by pastor Artur Pawlowski who shares his story of persecution by the Canadian government. Over the past two years, Artur has been arrested more than a dozen times, given hundreds of citations, and has been locked in solitary confinement without charge, all for preaching the gospel and ministering to those in need. He shares with us his thoughts on our current situation and how it relates to the end of days, as well as some inspiring words about God's plan and how many of us have been given the opportunity to rise to our calling through this trial of fire. This is one episode your soul needs to hear!

Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Street Church - https://www.streetchurch.ca/

How to Stand Against Tyranny - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJazwy-DQRA



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