Episode 6 - The Sovereign Individual

2 years ago

Uncensored Crypto - Episode #6: The Sovereign Individual

This episode discusses how Silicon Valley trillion-dollar companies and wealthy elites are attacking your freedom of speech – and how some are fighting back using Crypto and blockchain.

In The Sovereign Individual episode of Uncensored Crypto, you’ll hear from experts Justin Rezvani, Marty Bent, Mike Dillard, Matthew McKibbin, Daniel Zuckerman, Jeremy Gardner, Josh Malinkovich, and others. These experts discuss topics like:

The Social Dilemma, including how Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram exploit your private data to make billions – and how to take back control by restoring your privacy
Why Crypto is a way to fight back against the canceled culture
How “Silicon Valley Marxists” attack your freedom speech – and why one crypto company is fighting to restore your rights to privacy
How bitcoin mining can help states keep taxes low, improve social services, and pay their citizens a yearly dividend – all while freeing them from control by the government
The dark side of blockchain technology, including how malicious individuals could exploit blockchain to create a 1984-like dystopian world – and how to stop this from occurring
How Crypto fights censorship and restores personal sovereignty by eliminating middlemen, gatekeepers, and bureaucrats, among others who have “controlled us for hundreds of years.”

Note: This video got corrupted and I managed to piece it together again. There are still some moments where the audio cuts out here and there but all-in-all about 99% of it should still be there.


Uncensored Crypto is a 9-part documentary series led by host Michael Hearne.

Michael Hearne is a serial entrepreneur with 15 years of experience. He started his first business in a tiny apartment in a rough part of town. Today, Michael has pulled his family out of poverty to become the resilient entrepreneur he is today.

During the 9-part series, viewers will hear from industry experts who explain their thoughts on modern cryptocurrency. Experts will explain how Crypto works, what’s going on today, and how investors can take advantage of upcoming trends.

Experts interviewed in Uncensored Crypto include Mike Dillard (founder of RicherEveryDay.com), Brock Pierce (founder of Blockchain Capital), Bryce Paul (founder of Crypto 101), Warren Davidson (Congressman from Ohio), Tiana Laurence (General Partner at Laurence Innovation and CEO and co-founder of GoodMatch.org), Alexander Postlmayr (founder of Coinpay), Irina Litchfield (founder and CEO of BlockchainCubed.com), and dozens of other experts.

Uncensored Crypto is being released online by Decentral Publishing. You can contact the Uncensored Crypto team via the following:

Phone: 888-509-3806
Mailing Address: 1675 South State Street, Suite B, Dover, DE 19901

Video Source: https://uncensoredcrypto.net/

Website: https://uncensoredcrypto.com/

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