Competitive gamer reviews: FK1 & Kone Pure Military review and comparison - 3310 sensor

2 years ago

KPM button setup screenshot:

Text summary:

Returning both mice because they haven't matched the MLT04 sensor yet, and neither mouse is ideal in all other areas yet.

KPM – 5000dpi, 70mm wide,
* Exactly 400dpi.
* Even though it's 90g it doesn't feel that light. Due to it being a smaller mouse and thus the weight is concentrated in smaller area. So it's just as dense as larger & heavier mice.
* Middle button is too hard to click.
* Weight imbalanced because of grip/shape.
* Doesn't grip at all if your hand is dry.
* Shape doesn't seem particularly good for any grip.
* Can't click the side buttons without letting go of your grip on the mouse.
* Has strange default button setup.

FK1 – 3200dpi max, 67mm wide,
* Exactly 400dpi
* From the FK they fixed the weight balance, scroll wheel, and sensor is improved. Didn't change the behavior of the buttons – IE: switching L&R.
* 90g – Feels lighter and has better weight distribution.
* Middle mouse button easier to click, scroll wheel feels nice but needs to be farther forward.
* Mine tilts front left when clicking left button.
* When you switch to the right side buttons it still switches the two main buttons.
* Still too narrow in the middle and front for me, so it cramps my hand still. Feels like even finger tip grip could benefit from more width in the middle and front.
* Middle of FK1 is about 5mm thinner than the 3.0.
* Big thanks to Zowie for not participating in DPI war, but unfortunately it seems that lowering the DPI (from the sensor's 5000 default) negatively effects the sensor.

– 3.0 sensor still the best.
– Both mice have enough room for the ring finger in palm grip.
– KPM 3310 implementation is better. Possibly due to them not messing with the sensor's default DPI.

3310 sensor mice I've tested:
KPM: 5000 max dpi
FK1: 3200 max dpi
Rival: 6500 max dpi
Avior7000: 7000 max dpi

IMO the FK1 and original razer mice shapes (copperhead, krait, diamondback) are the ideal shapes for mice since they can be used by almost everyone in all 3 grips. With these odd shapes that some mouse manufacturers are using all they're doing is limiting the amount of people that will be able to use their mouse.

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